1·Give this important book a read - and then maybe send a copy to your local representative or senator.
2·A representative post is: "Paul you are a God-send for those of us who appreciate a superior intellect with common sense!"
3·The Party's Central committee and local Party committees at all levels may send out their representative organs.
4·Send a nice email to a tech support representative who has assisted you.
5·For more information, you can contact your IBM Rational representative or send email to any of the authors.
为了得到更多信息,您可以联系ibm Rational代表,并向其中任意一个作者发送电子邮件。
6·The send operation receives as input an object called a Case Model, which is representative of a simple application-specific message type that the message bus handles.
send操作接收称为Case Model的对象作为输入,该对象代表消息总线处理的应用程序指定的消息类型。
7·Peck interviewed the representative via instant message, contacting an account he said they used to send out the tweets and later deleted.
8·Please send us the representative samples.
9·They will send a representative to the meeting.
10·Phone order: Same as online order. Our phone representative will ask you your email address and confirmation email will be send to that email address automatically.